History of Hash Holes

Many people have been contemplating trying cannabis-based products with their rising popularity on the market. While both users and businesses can make use of the various options available, they rarely know how these products came to be. That’s why, in this article, we want to elaborate on the history of hash holes and their use.

Even though they may look like your regular pre-roll from the outside, it’s the inside that enhances the smoking experience. Not only do their unique ingredients lead to higher potency, but they also add to their strength. Continue reading to discover all there is to know about the hash holes’ history, what they’re made of, and why you may want to try them out.

History of Hash Holes

Before we dive into the history of hash holes, we must first highlight the importance the cannabis plant and hashish had throughout the ages. Since both have unique characteristics, it’s best to go over each of them separately.

The history of the cannabis plant

This magnificent herb has been aiding humans since ancient times, with written texts alluding to its usage from the third millennium BC. The main benefit of this plant was to craft ropes, fibers, and medicine from which its psychoactive properties were not excluded. Moreover, the plant was also used recreationally.

Since it was also one of the first plants to be cultivated, it appears in many different cultures and religions. For example, in Hindu practice, hemp is thought to represent the God Shiva, while the Chinese used it to create clothing, shoes, and paper from hemp. Furthermore, many of the shamans from Scythians, Thracians, and Dacians tribes consumed cannabis to enter a trance-like state for spiritual practices.

Some of the first evidence of smoking cannabis was found in China and dates back 2500 years ago. While most of these cultures used to burn cannabis and inhale its smoke to feel the effects, others added it to their food. In Daoist tradition, it was mixed with different ingredients and added to incense burners.

The history of the cannabis plant

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: GOR Photo

The history of hashish

Even though hashish derives from the cannabis plant, there isn’t sufficient evidence about its first usage. Hash is produced by processing and compressing the flower buds containing trichomes. Some of the most recognized places where hashish was used were Iran, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Morocco, Egypt, and Pakistan.

While it was used in many ancient cultures, its first mentions are from Cairo in 1123 CE, where a pamphlet refers to the Nizari Muslims as hashish-eaters. In the Old World, the smoking of hash began along with the smoking tobacco. Thus, before the 1500s, it was usually consumed as edibles.

Hashish made its way to Europe in the 18th century. It’s thought that the Napoleonic campaigns introduced hash to the French troops in Egypt. During this time, it was tested for its various medical uses. While some scientists were interested in its effects of lessening cholera and tetanus symptoms, others focused on using it for pestilence. 

In the 19th century, hashish was popular in many literary circles, such as Club des Hashischins. Thus, some of the best literary works by Victor Hugo and Charles Baudelaire may have been inspired by it. 

In today’s age, many cannabis-based products include hashish to increase their strength and effects.

The birth of rolling joint

After looking into the history of cannabis and hashish, we also want to elaborate on the birth of rolling joints. Since it’s one of the primary forms of consuming this herb, it’s important to know where it came from. 

It’s thought that the first rolled joint originates from Mexico. In 1850, field workers used to mix cannabis with tobacco as cigarettes.

Furthermore, in 1870, "The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal" suggested using a combination of cannabis, potassium nitrate, and belladonna as a cigarette to treat asthmatic patients and increase oxygen flow. This can be viewed as the first commercial joint introduced to the public.

Its roots in Mexican culture lead to the famous nickname “roach,” derived from the popular song “La Cucaracha”. With the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s, many people turned their attention to smoking joints. 

With the 1960s revolt against the Vietnamese war, many activists used this herb as a non-violent protest against the system. 

After the numerous prohibitions, the legalization of cannabis in today’s age has opened a door to countless opportunities. Thus, the cannabis market is full of game-changing innovations.

Rolling techniques throughout the ages

As already mentioned, cannabis first began to be smoked as a joint alongside tobacco. With the field workers in Mexico and "The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal", the first official joints used to have a cigarette-like form. But as with any practice, it evolves after frequent use throughout the ages.

During the hippie movement, many vendors and artists saw potential in crafting cannabis-inspired products. Manufacturers started creating rolling paper more suitable for rolling cannabis joints. Unlike the typical tobacco paper, these ones were designed to be wider, allowing smokers to put more hemp inside. Thus, the joints started losing their cigarette-like look and started resembling the cone shape we know today.

Fast forward to today’s cannabis market, there are numerous options that smokers can choose from. Alongside the various rolling paper options, there are also different strains and strengths to choose from. While some are more interested in saving time with pre-rolls, others want to stick to the traditional way of rolling their own joints.

With numerous options available, one product that has won customers' hearts is the renowned hash hole. 

Rolling techniques throughout the ages

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Dmytro Tyshchenko

Hash Hole Innovation

Hash holes are known as the descendants of pre-rolls. They’re specially designed to burn with a hole in the middle of the joint so experienced smokers can get a better effect from the added concentrated cannabis oil. 

The person responsible for creating this unique product is Shant Damirdjian, also known as Fidel Hydro. He was introduced to the cannabis business by his brother Serge, who also taught him all the basics about genetics, lighting, and nutrients. With the experience Damirdjian gained while working in his brother’s shop, he slowly turned his nickname into the renowned brand known as “Fidel’s”.

He found the inspiration for creating the hash hole products while traveling to Barcelona for the Spannabis trade show in 2018. By smoking with some of the leading figures in the cannabis industry, he got the idea of mixing Californian cannabis with six-star hash to get the most out of the smoking experience. 

Thus, the hash holes were created and began appearing in the Bay Area’s market in 2018. Initially, Damirdjian started hand-rolling up to a hundred hash holes daily to dispense on the scene. His efforts paid off, and his invention is now praised for changing the infused pre-roll category.

After taking a deep dive into the history of hash holes, it’s noticeable that the consumption of the cannabis plant has evolved over the ages. What started as lighting the herb up and inhaling the smoke became various options available to the customers. Even though some cultures used to mix cannabis with other ingredients for ceremonial practices, today’s hash holes offer a strong hit suitable for experienced smokers.


While there’s still ongoing research to determine the potential benefits, it’s easy to say that this herb has also had a cultural impact. Both cannabis and hashish were widely used in different circles, aiding musicians and artists to find inspiration. While some used it to ease their mind, others indulged in non-violent protests by consuming it.

Regardless of the reason, this plant has been around for centuries, and it’s not going anywhere soon. So, if you’re willing to try something new or want a unique smoking experience, hash holes are one of the best choices. Lastly, always be aware of your limits to ensure a good smoking session without any unwanted side effects!


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