How Long Do Pre-Rolls Stay Good?
Purchasing cannabis and hemp has never been easier. Many brands now readily sell pre-rolls, often in multi-packs. But what's the shelf life, and how long do pre-rolls stay good? Let's discover together!
The question roaming in every smoker’s mind is whether the marijuana joints lose their potency and degrade over time. Some are unsure how to store them to preserve their quality and make them last a long time.
Below, you will discover everything you need to know about pre-rolls and the potential dangers of smoking bad joints. Let us, Sorting Robotics provide some storage tips to keep them fresh and ready to provide the most enjoyable smoking experience.
Source: Photo Contributor: Inside Creative House
What Are Pre-rolled Joints?
A pre-roll is a cannabis joint packed with flowers and wrapped in rolling paper. These types of joints are ready for sale and consumption. Some people purchase their own flowers and make joints. However, the process of hand-rolling is more complicated, time-consuming, and messy.
How Long Do Pre-Rolls Stay Good?
The accessibility of pre-rolls is convenient for smokers. But how long do pre-rolls stay good? If a pre-roll is properly stored and kept safe from cannabinoid degradation and mold, it can last from three weeks up to four months.
The hemp flower undergoes natural decomposition. Thus, it’s best to smoke your pre-rolls shortly after they have been rolled. But there are some ways people have discovered that keep joints from going moldy very fast.
They add extracts to the joints in order to make them infused. These types of pre-rolls may stay fresh longer because the extracts create additional potency. But they can also attract bacteria if they are not properly taken care of.
What happens if a pre-rolled joint goes stale?
Some people may think that marijuana can hardly go stale because it’s preserved in the rolling paper of a pre-roll. But do pre-rolls go bad if you leave them in a particular place for a long time and forget about them?
Smoking stale pre-rolls may cause certain symptoms that might be damaging to your health. These include nausea, coughing, and vomiting. Although these symptoms are not life-threatening, they indicate that cannabis has become moldy.
However, the smoker’s condition can become more serious if they have a mold allergy. They might experience inflammation, sinus issues, and congestion. These symptoms may result in the immune system becoming weak and causing long-lasting health consequences.
Tips on Keeping a Pre-Rolled Fresh
In addition to mold making the joint stale, it can also cause the pre-roll to lose its taste and smell. This depends on the type of cannabinoids used in the joint. However, there are some things you can do to keep your pre-rolls fresh.
Put your pre-rolled joint in an airtight container
We recommend storing your pre-rolled joints in an airtight container. This might slow down the degradation of the joint. Putting them in a properly sealed container is better than using plastic bags for this purpose.
Cigarette packs or empty mint tins
Don’t throw out your cigarette packs and mint tins. You never know what you could use them for in the future. One example is storing your pre-rolls. But before putting your joints in, ensure the packs and tins are clean and don’t have any residue that might stick to the rolling paper.
Glass jars can be easily sealed, and they prevent your pre-rolls from damage. Ensure your mason jars have airtight lids to prevent air from getting inside and ruining the quality of your joint, leading to it going bad.
Doob tubes
Small containers shaped like cylinders are often called pre-roll or doob tubes. Cannabis factories use them to transport their pre-rolls. They are usually made from hard plastic or other similar durable materials.
Doob tubes can be easily stored in a purse, backpack, or pocket. They are so small that they are easily transportable and reusable. They prevent air from leaking inside and help maintain pre-rolled joints' freshness.
Source: Photo Contributor: Inside Creative House
Protect your pre-rolled joint from any potential damage
If you plan on carrying your pre-rolled joints, ensure they don’t become broken or severely damaged. Choose smaller instead of larger storage containers to prevent the joints from shifting and moving around too much.
If the rolling paper gets even the smallest holes, you might unintentionally cause the marijuana to burn poorly. Thus, your smoking experience won’t be enjoyable. So, don’t squish your pre-rolled joints during storage.
Do not store the pre-rolled joint in the refrigerator
Excessive heat is the number one enemy of preserving the quality of pre-rolled joints. But that doesn’t mean they will stay fresher if kept in places with severely cold temperatures, such as a refrigerator.
The cannabis flower should be kept at a room temperature of approximately 68°F. This also applies to the marijuana already rolled in a joint. So, keeping them in sealed plastic or glass containers instead of in a refrigerator is better.
Don’t expose the pre-rolled joint to strong light and moisture
Light may degrade certain cannabinoids, making the plant deteriorate quicker than it would naturally. Some containers used for storing pre-rolled joints may not resist the powerful UV rays, especially if exposed to direct sunlight.
Heat creates humidity, which causes moisture exposure to pre-rolls. Unfortunately, we can’t change how nature works. But we can store our marijuana joints in a dark and dry place to help them stay good longer.
If you have some extra pre-rolls you know you won’t be using for a long time, it’s important to know how to keep them fresh for future use. How long do pre-rolls stay good depends on your storage practices and maintenance techniques.
Luckily, it’s not difficult to care for your joints. Finding the right containers and suitable temperature are easy steps you can take. They may result in an enjoyable smoking experience every time, regardless of when the joint was initially rolled.