How Much Weed in Rolling Machine?

Rolling machines are an excellent tool to ensure every joint is perfectly rolled. Rolling machines, especially automatic ones, are becoming more popular when crafting pre-rolls. 

Thanks to rolling machines, sellers get well-proportioned pre-rolls. We at SortingRobotics saw the opportunity to design a robotic machine to ease the manufacturing process of pre-rolls as everything in the industry is made by hand. 

But before we designed our robots, we did everything manually. So we have the answer on how much weed to put in rolling machine.

Rolling machines of varying sizes can handle more significant amounts of weed and standard-sized for regular joints. So, let's see how much weed you should put in the rolling machine!

The Role of Joint Roller Size

A rolling machine ensures you get perfectly rolled joints every time. Some people still prefer to hand-roll their joints, but rolling machines make the process faster and more convenient. Plus, there are manual and automatic rolling machines to fit everyone's preferences. 

One of the most significant factors in the amount of weed you can put is the size of the rolling machine. For example, if you have a rolling machine bought in a tobacco store, it will likely be only for standard-sized papers. 

But, if you want to roll bigger joints, you will need a bigger rolling machine that can handle more significant amounts of cannabis. 

Source: Photo Contributor: Simone Hogan

Benefits of Using a Joint Roller

  • Avoid Weed Waste - rollers help you avoid wasting any product. The rolled joint will be wrapped nicely and filled consistently.

  • Save Rolling Paper - rolling machines make it easy to not tear or rip rolling papers. Manually rolling joints means you may rip your paper, which leads to needless waste.

  • Avoid Messes - a rolling machine helps you avoid making a big mess during the process of rolling your joints. Worrying about weed crumbs is unnecessary when you are done rolling. 

How Much Weed to Put in Rolling Machine?

You should put between 0.5 to 1.5 grams of weed in the rolling machine for a perfectly rolled joint. This range is ideal since anything higher than 1.5 grams may be too much, and it will create a too-tight joint that will not burn well. 

Factors influencing weed amount

We must note that the amount of weed you can put in the rolling machine also depends on several other factors. 


Correct packing is crucial. If you underpack the rolling machine with weed, it will result in a loosely rolled pre-roll. If your pre-roll is loose, the material will likely burn too fast and harsher than a nicely rolled pre-roll.

In contrast, overpacked joints may be difficult to roll and light. The pre-roll will be too tight if you put too much weed in the rolling machine. 


Because moisture degrades cannabis over time, it is vital to keep it in mind when packaging pre-rolls. Manufacturers must invest in airtight packaging and humidity packs to ensure top-quality pre-rolls for their customers. Moisture content over 12% may result in mold.

Different Strains

Different cannabis strains provide different effects when smoked. The main two strains are Sativa And Indica. Sativa is known for its uplifting, energizing, and focus-oriented properties. In comparison, Indica strains have more sedating properties.

Different strains and their properties can affect the amount of weed put into a rolling machine. If you put too much weed, you may experience more potent effects than desired. Plus, as most strains today are hybrid, it is best to follow the seller's instructions when rolling. 

Type of rolling machine

As we mentioned, rolling machines are available in different sizes. Not only that, there are also automatic and manual rollers. Manual rollers are the classic ones that you control yourself by rolling it with your fingers, most often thumbs. 

Automatic rolling machines, on the other hand, do all the work for you. Automatic rolling machines are excellent for guided loading techniques. Automation makes the entire cannabis production smoother and easier.

Automatic rolling machines may be more expensive, but they grind, sift, load the needed amount, and roll the weed into a perfect joint. With automatic rollers, you do not have to worry about any weed falling off during the rolling process. 

Source: Photo Contributor: 420 roxy

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weed do you put in the paper?

As we mentioned, you can put from 0.5 up to 1.5 grams of weed in the paper for the rolling machine. You can choose the amount in this range that best suits your needs. But if you put more than 1.5 grams of weed in the rolling machine, your joint may be rolled too tight and harder to roll and light. 

How many joints can 3.5 grams roll?

Depending on how much weed you put in a single joint, from 3.5 grams of weed, you can get different amounts of joints. For example, if you put 0.5 grams of weed in the rolling machine, you will get seven joints from 3.5 grams. But if you put more than 0.5 grams, you may get 3 or 4 joints from 3.5 grams of weed.

Can the grind consistency of the weed impact the amount to put in a rolling machine?

Properly grinding your weed can significantly impact your overall smoking experience. If you want to maximize the flavor and potency of the cannabis, its consistency must be fine. Finely ground weed ensures that the weed is evenly distributed in the rolling machine. With an even distribution, you get a smoother and more consistent bur. 

Can I adjust the amount of weed based on the desired potency of the joint?

Yes, you can adjust the amount of weed based on the desired potency. For instance, if you use a strain with lower potency, you can put more weed in the rolling machine. In contrast, using a highly potent strain means putting less weed in the rolling machine is best to avoid any adverse effects. 

What amount of weed to use based on joint size?

Based on joint sizes, they typically contain between 0.25 and 1 net weight of cannabis. Ore rolled joints on the market today are also available in a variety of materials like hemp, rice, flax, and many flavored varieties. 


Ultimately, how much weed to put in rolling machine? The answer is between 0.5-1.5 grams of weed. This is the ideal range to ensure the rolling machine is able to pack and roll the joint properly. Too little weed means the joint will burn off quickly, while too much may be hard to roll and light. 


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