How to Clean Weed Grinder
At first, you might think your dry herb grinder needs just a little more than a casual wipe to keep it clean. But you may be surprised that you need to do more than that and learn how to clean weed grinder properly.
Read the following simple steps and tips to help you learn how to clean a grinder!
How to Clean Weed Grinder
The biggest issue with grinders is that they get filled with dirty substances, such as small pieces of plants, powdery kief, and sticky resin. When the grinder gets stuck and is difficult to work with, it is time to clean it.
You will need to disassemble the dirty grinder, soak the grinder in alcohol, scrub it, then rinse and dry the grinder. We recommend cleaning the grinder frequently to prevent build-up, expand its lifespan, and save money to buy a new one when the one you have stops working.
Source: / Photo Contributor: Ladanifer
Tools and materials needed
The dirty grinder
A small, soft brush
A toothpick
A freezer
A bowl or plate
Isopropyl alcohol
A toothbrush
A glass jar or Ziploc bag
A towel
Clean water
Dish soap
Salt (for tough residues)
What Is the Easiest Way to Clean a Grinder - Step-By-Step Guide
There are two ways to clean your grinder. We recommend the first one, which is simple and fast when your grinder is not very dirty. The second one is a bit longer and requires extra steps, making it ideal for deep cleaning your grinder. Now, here are the possible options:
A simple way to clean your grinder
1. Disassemble the dirty grinder
You should first disassemble and separate each chamber of your grinder. Next, gather the leftover plant material, such as powdery kief, and save as much as possible.
You can use this kief in many ways, like putting it in a joint on the inside or coating the outside. And if you need a game-changer for efficiency, quality, and consistency, check out the best kief coating machine.
2. Soak the grinder in alcohol
Put the grinder into a container, such as a Ziploc bag or large glass jar. You should fill the container with isopropyl alcohol and fully immerse all grinder’s parts. Let the grinder soak for 20-30 minutes, and shake the container occasionally to break the residue.
3. Scrub the grinder
Once you pour out the alcohol, scrub your grinder with a brush. We advise you to wash each chamber.
4. Rinse and dry the grinder
Rinse your grinder with warm, clean water. Make sure to rinse all alcohol and residues. Then, wipe the grinder with a clean towel. Wait until the grinder is completely dry before starting to use it again.
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Deep cleaning of your grinder — Alcohol and freezer method
1. Dismantle the grinder
In case your grinder is blocked with plant residue that cannot be cleaned the first way, you should do a deep cleaning. So, disassemble the grinder first and carefully remove any chamber from the other.
2. Throw away the residue
Throw away the leftover plants into a bowl because you can use the material later. At this point, do not worry about the material stuck inside your grinder.
3. Freeze the grinder
Put each piece of the grinder in the freezer to sit upright and leave the grinder in the freezer for 30 minutes. Freezing the grinder makes the residue stiffer. This makes scraping the residue easier.
4. Scrap the plant residue
Once you remove the grinder from the freezer, clean it with a toothpick or soft brush to scrape away as much residue as possible. We recommend scrapping around the chambers’ edges. Most of the residue, like the powdery kief, is potent and rich in cannabinoids, so we advise you to keep everything you harvest for future use.
5. Soak in alcohol
When you have cleaned as much of the leftover plant material as possible, put each chamber into a large Ziploc bag or a glass jar. Fill the container with alcohol and let the grinder immerse.
Now, leave the parts in alcohol for about 20 minutes. We advise you to shake the containers occasionally to break any part stuck to the grinder.
Additional tip: If you are interested in how to clean a metal grinder, follow our advice: add salt and alcohol to the grinder and shake it nicely.
6. Clean off, rinse, and dry
Once you remove the grinder from the container, clean it with a toothbrush. Then, rinse the grinder thoroughly in clean, hot water to ensure all the alcohol and cannabis flower residue is gone. Dry off the grinder with a clean towel.
Soap and water method
If you have a plastic grinder, you can use another method: soap and water. You should follow the simple steps on how to clean a plastic grinder:
Disassemble the grinder.
Place the pieces in a bowl or container that can handle hot water.
Fill the container with hot water and let the grinder soak for 15 minutes.
Add dish soap to the water and then clean with a soft brush.
Rinse the arts with warm water and let them dry before use.
But will boiling a weed grinder clean it? Boiling your grinder works just as well as cleaning it with alcohol, but remember that this can be done only on metal grinders.
Source: / Photo Contributor: Kyrylo Vasyliev
Following the methods on how to clean weed grinder, will make your grinder last for long. So, we recommended some easy ways of cleaning.
The first one is simple and easy, and it is suitable for cleaning grinders that do not have plant materials stuck in the chambers. If you need to deep clean your grinder, follow our advice: freeze it and then soak it in alcohol.
Doing this whenever you need it will help you have a clean grinder and prolong its lifespan. Keep your grinder in its best condition!