THC Distillate Side Effects

As one of the purest products containing THC and its versatile use, distillates are becoming widely popular. But, as with every other cannabis product, you should know the THC distillate side effects before consuming it in any form.

Because of its purity and high THC concentration, you should be taking the THC distillate responsibly and in moderate dosages. While being responsible is up to you, we can teach you about the possible side effects you might experience.

THC Distillate Side Effects

Source: Photo Contributor: ukume

THC Distillate and Its Potency

THC distillate is a thick liquid that is pure tetrahydrocannabinol. The distillate is concentrated and can be consumed in various ways, such as dabbing, vaping, smoking, or even putting it in edibles and topical applications.

As its name suggests, the THC distillate is made through the process of molecular distillation. The cannabis flower must undergo an extraction process to create the THC extract.

A solvent such as butane is used to extract the oily substance of the cannabis. Then, the oil undergoes various processes that decarboxylate the THC and purify the product to create THC distillate.

The distillation process results in a concentrate that has high potency, typically more than 90% THC. In other words, if you have one-gram-THC distillate with 95% purity, that means you’ll have around 950 milligrams of THC.

Because of the high potency, THC distillates might have bigger effects on the user compared to other products containing THC. Aside from the potency, compared to other cannabis extracts, THC distillates don’t have any scent or aroma.

Common THC Distillate Side Effects

The effects of the THC distillate mainly depend on your tolerance and the quantity you consume. The THC distillate health effects are generally the same as other methods of THC consumption. They are divided into short and long-term side effects.

Short-term effects

Studies have shown that THC distillates might have a wide range of short-term effects. No matter the consumption method you use, you may likely feel effects such as pleasure, relaxation, or, in other words, a surge of dopamine.

In addition, THC may influence several areas in your brain, such as the hippocampus, orbitofrontal cortex, and cerebellum. With its effect on the hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex, the THC has the power to impair your thinking and shift your focus. Also, while you are under the influence of THC, your ability to learn or face complicated situations might be limited.

As for the cerebellum and basal ganglia, the THC distillate side effects may include poor balance, reaction time, posture, and coordination. Hence, when you are consuming THC distillates, it is not recommended to drive or do similar activities that require fast reactions.

If taken in high doses, the THC distillate and the high it causes might include effects such as:

  • Hallucinations

  • Delusions

  • Psychosis

Besides the psychological effects of THC distillate, you may experience some physical effects like:

  • Dry mouth

  • Congestion of the conjunctival blood vessels or red eyes

  • Increase blood pressure

  • Changes in mood

  • Cold or hot sensations

  • Muscle relaxation

Long-term effects

The potential long-term risks associated with prolonged or excessive use of THC distillate and cannabis are divided into two main categories:

  • Cognitive effects and impact on memory or cognition

  • Behavioral changes and addiction risks

One of the long-term effects of consuming THC distillate in any form may be slower brain development or cognitive damage. Some of the groups with the highest risks of brain development issues include pediatric consumers whose brain is still developing or consumers with psychiatric issues.

More specifically, long-term use of THC might include impaired cognitive function. While short-term use may impair coordination, using THC excessively might lead to more serious problems, such as:

  • Ability to plan and organize

  • Hardship in solving problems or making decisions

  • Difficulties controlling emotions and behavior

  • Having a hard time remembering

Furthermore, cannabis use under various conditions might increase the risk of mental health issues.

Common THC Distillate Side Effects

Source: Photo Contributor: 420MediaCo

Long-term effects of smoking cannabis

Smoking cigarettes and other products infused with THC distillate may damage your lungs and increase the risks of getting certain lung diseases. As the materials of the product are combusted, carcinogens are released. 

Compared to tobacco smoking, if you are smoking cannabis with THC distillate, inhale deeply, and hold your breath longer, your exposure will be higher, having an impact on your lung and respiratory system. Additionally, excessive use of cannabis may compromise your immune system and increase your risk of lung infections.

Individual Variations in Side Effects

The THC distillate health effects might vary from person to person. The main reasons for this are factors such as metabolism, tolerance, dosage, and sensitivity to THC.

Firstly, each person has a unique metabolism. Hence, there may be variances in how bodies process THC, how long it lasts, and what impact it might have.

Next, tolerance and sensitivity to THC are other crucial factors for the cannabis side effects. Generally, if you consume cannabis and THC distillate regularly, you might experience lessened side effects compared to first-time users due to tolerance buildup.

Furthermore, greater doses of THC might pose greater risks for users. Generally, the amount you consume might greatly influence the intensity and types of side effects you may experience.

Lastly, individuals who have certain medical conditions or mental health issues may be more susceptible to specific side effects.

Importance of Dosage Control and Responsible Consumption

As a company that has been in the cannabis industry for a long time, our number one priority has always been promoting dosage control and responsible consumption.

The basics for safe cannabis use include:

  • Purchasing only from trusted and licensed dispensaries

  • Check the package for potency and recommended dosage of the THC distillate

  • Start with low doses

  • Don’t mix THC distillate with stimulants such as alcohol and prescription medicine

  • Always use cannabis and THC distillates in moderation

Controlling dosage and consuming THC distillates responsibly might manage the psychoactive effects and reduce the risk of adverse reactions. It also may prevent other potential health issues and THC addiction.

THC Distillate Side Effects Management

There are many harm-reduction strategies that might help limit the likelihood of experiencing adverse effects of THC distillate use. The first strategy will be for the potential users to be aware of the potential risk of addiction. It is highly important to understand that using cannabis a few times a week may increase the risk of developing health problems and dependence. Thus, responsible consumption is key. 

Another strategy experts recommend is to be mindful of the consumption method. Many recommend avoiding smoking cannabis and opting for other methods to reduce the risks of experiencing respiratory challenges.

Other ways to reduce the risks of THC distillate side effects are:

  • Starting to use cannabis and THC distillate later in life

  • Opt for low-potency products

  • Don’t use synthetic THC products

Nevertheless, you may get the best side effects management advice by seeking professional help. You must seek professional assistance and guidance when you experience significant discomfort or adverse effects.

You should especially contact your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain each time you consume cannabis. That might be an indicator you are suffering from cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.

There are many available treatments for marijuana use disorders, such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

  • Contingency management

  • Motivational enhancement therapy

THC Distillate Side Effects Management

Source: Photo Contributor: Brandon Crawford


If you are considering consuming cannabis-related products, it’s crucial to acknowledge and understand the associated side effects. Regarding the THC distillate side effects, you must be aware that they might range from short-term to long-term impacts on your mental and physical health.

Responsible consumption, dosage control, and being familiar with your individual tolerance levels are also important for avoiding adverse effects. Each time you consume THC distillates in any form, you should ensure it is a safe experience for you and the people around you.


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