What Is a Hemp Wrap?

If you enjoy a blunt every now and then, you must have heard about the new rising trend, hemp wraps. But, what is a hemp wrap, and why is there so much fuss about it lately?

Rolling your own cigarette with a hemp wrap may offer many benefits and an unmatched unique experience compared to other traditional wrap options. Yet, before you purchase one and try it out, let us explain what it is and give you some tips on how to use it for the best results

What Is a Hemp Wrap?

Hemp wraps are a thin sheet of paper perfect for rolling blunts. But what are hemp wraps made of? They are produced by pressing industrial hemp pulp into thin sheets. Hemp wraps have an earthy taste and aroma. We have to say that hemp wraps are becoming a staple in the cannabis industry.

These rolling sheets of paper can be used for both tobacco and cannabis rolling. What’s more, they are as good for individual use and manual rolling as they are for mass production with an automated pre-roll machine.

What Is a Hemp Wrap?

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Dmytro Tyshchenko

Hemp vs Blunt Wraps

Many confuse hemp wraps with blunt wraps as they are used for the same purpose: rolling tobacco or cannabis. However, they are entirely different, starting with their main component. Blunt wraps are made from tobacco leaves, while hemp wraps are made from hemp plants.

But, are hemp wraps better than tobacco wraps? Actually, it depends on your preferences and the experience you want to achieve.

For one, you should know that blunt wraps are thicker and sturdier - they produce more smoke when you light them up.

One of the greatest advantages of hemp wraps over blunt versions is that they may be healthier to smoke. Unlike blunt wraps, hemp wraps don’t contain harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide, tar, and nicotine.

One of the biggest similarities between hemp and blunt wraps is that they can be found in different sizes and flavors. However, the flavor pallet of the hemp wrap doesn’t include intense flavors. Instead, hemp wraps tend to have more light tastes, such as different types of fruits, coconut milk, honey, and similar tastes.

Benefits of Using Hemp Wraps

Many cannabis and tobacco consumers prefer hemp wraps because they offer a variety of benefits. First, they are made from natural ingredients. The highest-quality hemp wraps are made from 100% hemp fiber, free from harmful synthetic chemicals and tobacco.

In addition, hemp plants are generally grown in eco-friendly conditions. Typically, no chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or artificial growth stimulants are used, and the hemp growth process doesn't cause pollution nor harm the environment in any other way.

Another benefit of hemp wraps is that you can expect a smooth and mild smoking experience. To assist you get the most out of your smoking experience, hemp warps burn slowly, allowing you to enjoy every single inhale. Hemp wraps also contribute to a consistent and even burn.

How to Use Hemp Wrap

To enjoy the benefits of hemp wraps, you should know how to use them correctly. As rolling experts, we have some practical tips for rolling with hemp wraps.


Before you start rolling, it's important to ensure the hemp wraps are moisturized. As they are made from all-natural hemp pulp, they dry with time

To prevent dry hemp wraps, store them in a sealed container with humidity packs. If the hemp wrap is dry, it will need approximately 48 hours to rehydrate. You can also moisturize the hemp wrap with a handheld steamer. However, this can be tricky because you might over-restore it.


The golden rule for rolling is: never use finely ground herbs. Hemp wraps require a chunky grind for increased wrap airflow and smooth draw. Our expert advice is to hand-grind the herb instead of using a grinder.

Once you have the herb ready, you should start filling the hemp wrap. Never overpack it, as it will be difficult to fold it around.

Rolling technique

Hemp wraps can either be pre-sealed, or you will need to glue them yourself. The type you have will determine the rolling process.

Rolling with pre-sealed hemp wraps

The steps for rolling with pre-sealed hemp wraps include:

  • Preparing the ground flower

  • Flattening the hemp wrap with the glue strip facing upwards

  • Placing the flower starting from the center and going towards the edges

  • Start working the wrap back and forth

  • Moisturize the glue strip and secure the blunt

How to Use Hemp Wrap

Source: shutterstock.com / Photo Contributor: Kreative Photography

Using pre-sealed hemp wraps

Pre-sealed hemp wraps are an easy and convenient way of rolling. In addition to the hemp wrap and the flower, you will also need a packing tool to pack the wrap.


Let’s quickly recap. What is a hemp wrap? Hemp wraps are an eco-friendly, tobacco-free alternative to traditional blunt wraps. They are thin rolling papers entirely made from hemp pulp. If you decide to use them, you will be smoking a joint free from chemicals and enjoy the variety of flavors and a slow burn.


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