How to Infuse Kief in Coconut Oil

What if we told you that you could experience the full effects of THC and CBD from cannabis without smoking? Some prefer to sprinkle kief on their joints for an extra kick, while others use it to make potent, high-THC concentrates. But if you’re looking to take your kief game to the next level, you should learn how to infuse kief in coconut oil.

Our article on making kief-infused coconut oil has everything you need to know, especially if this is your first time trying the infusion process with coconut oil. The good news? It’s a simple process and can be done in just five easy steps. It doesn’t take long, and you can make as much as you want in one go.

How to Infuse Kief in Coconut Oil

Source: / Photo Contributor: Alena A

How to Infuse Kief in Coconut Oil

While kief can be infused with any type of oil or butter, coconut oil is often a preferred option. Known for its high cannabinoid absorbency, coconut oil is one of the best oils for kief infusion. Its high content not only helps preserve the infusion longer but it also gives it a solid form at room temperature. To properly infuse kief, you’ll need just a few simple ingredients: kief, coconut oil, cheesecloth (or any similar material to make a small sachet).

There are two methods to infuse kief in coconut oil. The first method is simpler but may leave some kief particles in the oil. The second method, while more time-consuming, is recommended for the best results, as it ensures that no kief particles remain in the final product. This method typically involves gently heating the coconut oil and kief together over low heat for an extended period, allowing for thorough infusion.

Keep in mind that once the infusion process is complete, you should not attempt to decarb the coconut oil. After steeping, the process is irreversible, so it’s essential to follow the steps carefully.

What you’ll need

To begin with the infusion process, you’ll need:

  • Kief

  • Coconut oil (best to use unrefined coconut oil)

  • Oven and baking tray

  • Double boiler or slow cooker

  • Cheesecloth or fine strainer

  • Storage container (preferably glass)

Other types of coconut oil can also be kief-infused, but they might have more limited use. For instance, kief-infused MCT coconut oil is recommended only for raw applications, hydrogenated coconut oil is generally unhealthy for consumption, and refined coconut oil is best suited for high-temperature cooking.

You should also be mindful of the type of kief you will be using. They are available with different THC content, commonly ranging from 50% to 70%.

Regarding the kief-to-coconut oil ratio, it will generally depend on your desired potency. We would recommend either of the following combinations:

  • One gram of kief per cup of coconut cooking oil

  • Four grams of kief with one cup of coconut oil

Step-By-Step Guide – Making Kief Infused Coconut Oil

The steps on how to infuse kief in coconut oil are:

  1. Kief decarboxylation

  2. Coconut oil preparation

  3. Infusing kief in the coconut oil

  4. Straining the infused oil

  5. Storage and consumption of coconut oil

Step 1: Decarboxylation of kief

You cannot start the infusion process without decarbing the kief first. The decarboxylation process activates the cannabinoids found in kief. The kief decarboxylation is just as important when you are making pre-rolls with a weed infusion machine or other infusion products.

The best way to decarb kief is using an oven. Preheat the oven to 240°F ± 10°F. Spread the kief evenly on parchment paper so there are no mounds or clumps. For best results, spread the kief in a thin layer. The thinner the layer of kief, the better it will decarb. Put the baking sheet in the oven and check on it occasionally so that the kief doesn’t overheat or burn. If overheated, the kief could lose its potency. Once it changes its color to light brown, that’s when you know the kief is properly decarbed.

Step 2: Preparing the coconut oil

Before infusing it, the coconut oil needs to be melted. To do this, you can either use a double boiler or a slow cooker, as both methods help prevent overheating.

For the double boiler method, fill a pot halfway with water and bring it to a boil. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low. Add the desired amount of coconut oil to a separate bowl and set it over the simmering water, allowing heat to gently liquefy the oil.

The slow cooker method is another convenient option and it’s preferred for being odor-free. For this method, you’ll also need a mason jar to hold the coconut oil. Before sealing the jar with its lid, cover the opening with aluminum foil.

Place the jar inside the slow cooker, set it to low, and leave it to simmer for approximately four to six hours. Check the water levels occasionally to ensure they remain higher than the oil level.

Whichever method you choose to go with, remember to use low heat to prevent overheating and burning.

Step 3: Infusing kief in coconut oil

After decarbing the kief and melting the coconut oil, mix the two together. Add the decarbed kief (either in a sachet or loose) to the melted coconut oil. Let the kief steep in the oil for at least six hours.

Keep in mind, though, that some like to infuse the kief while melting the coconut oil, while others prefer to add it right after the melting is done. Ultimately, both methods will yield the same results.

In our expert opinion, it's best to let the mixture simmer on low heat with occasional stirs to preserve the cannabinoid potency. It’s best to keep the temperature anywhere between 160°F and 200°F for two to four hours and stir occasionally. You’ll know the kief is infused and the infusion process is complete when the oil’s color darkens.

Infusing Kief in Coconut Oil


Step 4: Straining the infused oil

After the oil cools down slightly, it’s time to strain it. We recommend using a cheesecloth to do this. Pour the oil, let it drain for a while, and then squeeze the cheesecloth to extract all the oil. If you don’t have cheesecloth, you can always use mesh strainers or paper coffee filters.

Step 5: Storing and using the infused oil

The shelf life and potency of coconut oil depend primarily on how it’s stored. At room temperature and away from direct sunlight, typical kief-infused coconut oil will last up to three months. However, to preserve its potency, it’s best to refrigerate it. A well-stored coconut oil will typically be good for consumption for six months.

Regarding the consumption of infused oil, the most common use is in making edibles. When baking or cooking, you can use the kief-infused coconut oil you made as a substitute for butter or vegetable oil. Don’t use the infused oil for recipes that require baking or cooking at temperatures higher than 320°F because the cannabinoids will start to degrade and lose their potency.

Pay attention when making edibles with coconut oil at home. Always calculate the THC content and adjust it to your tolerance levels and desired effects.

In addition to edibles, you can use the infused oil in beverages. We recommend you put coconut oil in your coffee, tea, juice, sparkling water, smoothie, hot chocolate or lemonade.

Lastly, kief-infused coconut oil is an excellent addition to a variety of skin care products such as lip balms, body butter, lotions, serums and body scrubs.


Knowing how to infuse kief in coconut oil is a simple yet effective way to use the potential benefits of both the oil and the kief. The five steps are easy to follow, but you will need a few hours to do it properly. Start by decarbing the kief and preparing the coconut oil. Then, infuse the kief in the oil, strain it, and use it. Store it properly, and be mindful of the dosing.


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