How to Pack a Cone
Masterfully rolling a cone joint has always been prized within the cannabis community. Being able to quickly and efficiently prepare your smoke is both time-efficient and impressive. But, since the cone-rolling process is slightly more difficult, beginners may not know how to pack a cone.
We’ll review each step separately to better understand the process and highlight the most important aspects. We will also give you some tips and tricks to apply to your already-established rolling routine.
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Continue reading to discover how to fill a cone with weed and pack it up masterfully!
Source: Photo Contributor: Tosha S
How to Pack a Cone
Packing a cone is an important part of the overall rolling process. To learn how to master it properly, we must explain how the other parts affect it. Thus, we’ll review each step in the cone-rolling process to ensure you get the best possible results.
That being said, here’s how you should roll your cone to improve your packing:
Step 1: Grind your cannabis
Step 2: Fill your cone
Step 3: Pack your cone
Step 4: Twist your cone
Grinding your cannabis
The first step in every rolling process is grinding your cannabis buds properly. If you plan on using your hands, remember that you may not get the buds to the same small size as if you’ve used a grinder. This can later cause an issue known as canoeing, where one side of your cone tends to burn faster than the other one.
Furthermore, you should ensure that you have enough cannabis to fill the whole cone. This is especially important if you’re planning on using a pre-rolled cone. Failing to fill the entire joint properly will result in loose spots and an unpleasant smoking experience.
Filling your cone
After you’ve taken care of the cannabis buds, the next step in the rolling process is filling your cone. This step depends on whether you plan to roll the joint or use a pre-roll cone.
If you’re planning on doing the rolling yourself, you have to start placing the cannabis inside the rolling paper before you’ve made the cone shape.
Start by putting a small bunch of ground cannabis near the filter, and then start building the amount as you go towards the other end. After you’ve rolled the paper, the end results should have a baseball bat-like form.
On the other hand, if you’re wondering how to fill pre-rolled cones, the process is simplified. Most users tend to use their hands to pick up a desired amount of ground cannabis and place it in the cone. When you do this, ensure you hold the pre-rolled cone at the filter area to avoid damaging the paper.
If you want to avoid using your hands, try doing the same with tweezers or other cone-packing tools. You should always be careful not to crumple the paper and damage its integrity.
Packing your cone
To move on to the most important step in this article, we’ll take the time to explain how to pack a cone in detail. This process can be done both manually and with the help of specific tools.
If you’re a hands-on person, the best way to pack your cone is by holding it at the filter area and gently tapping it on a flat surface. This will help the ground cannabis fill in soft spots and tightly align with the rolling paper. In case you notice the cone getting too small, add more marijuana gently and without damaging the paper.
If you want to use tools to speed up the process, there’s a wide variety available on the market. For example, cone packers look like small cone-like sticks with which you can apply pressure to the ground components.
They can be made from wood, plastic, and even metal to speed up your packing. Some may even come with a cutout hole that can be used as a holder, while others have ink-like tools to help you with the filling.
Lastly, you can use common household items such as pens and toothpicks to push down the buds.
Finish with the packing
The last step is to learn how to close a joint. This includes twisting your cone to prevent any of the components from falling out. But first, you must ensure the cone is at your desired length and has the appropriate amount of ground cannabis.
If necessary, repeat the two steps mentioned above to make the cone tight and compact. Once you’ve filled and packed it to your desire, all that’s left to do is take the remaining rolling paper from the top, apply more pressure towards the crutch using the ballpoint pen, get it to the baseball bat type of hardness, and twist it to close off the end.
While you can go with the easier option of twisting your cone, which ensures the tightness of the packaging, most prefer the opt for the popular and visually appealing Dutch-fold method. To pack it in the Dutch-fold method, the operator needs to take the pre-roll out of the machine, gently press down the material, locate the fold in the paper from all sides, and push toward the inside using a ballpoint pen.
Source: Photo Contributor: Ground Picture
Additional Tips for Packing a Cone
After explaining how cone-packing impacts the rolling process, we also want to give you some additional tips you can use. Knowing these simple hacks will ensure your joint is tight, stable, and ready to smoke.
That being said, here’s what you should watch out for when packing your cone joint:
Pack tightly
Keep it even
Try different packing equipment
Pack tightly
The first pro-tip you can use is to always pack the cone tightly. Many beginners tend to forget the importance of a tightly packed joint and often end up with an unpleasant smoking experience. Not only will the cone burn too fast, but you may miss out on its effects as well.
Furthermore, your joint will be more prone to bending and losing its shape and structure. By packing it tightly, you also ensure that it holds more cannabis and that it won’t be gone in just a few puffs.
As with any step of the process, you should always pack it gently to avoid ripping the rolling paper.
Keep it even
When you have many loose or soft spots on your cone, it’s more likely that the dreaded canoeing may appear. If this happens, your joint will burn faster on one side, creating a canoe-like shape. Not only will half your cone go to waste, but it’ll also be harder to inhale.
That’s why you should ensure the compounds have been packed evenly to avoid an uneven burn.
Try different packing equipment
Lastly, with all the various packing equipment available, you can try out different types of tools to find the one that fits you best.
Since they’re designed to help users speed up the rolling process, it’ll benefit you gravely. Not only will you save time, but also create a pleasurable smoking experience by avoiding beginner mistakes.
Source: Photo Contributor: Tosha S
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the type of cannabis strain influence the packing technique?
If the cannabis buds have been ground properly, the strain type won’t influence the packing. Even though some strains may be harder to grind, a good grinder can still manage to chop them up.
Can a cone be overpacked?
The simple answer is yes, a cone can be overpacked. When this happens, your joint will be harder to smoke, and it may cause canoeing.
What is the easiest way to pack a raw cone?
The easiest way to pack a RAW cone is by using a cone packing tool. Simply fill the cone up and then ensure everything’s in place by using the said equipment.
How do you pack a cone without a grinder?
If you don’t own a grinder, you can use your hand to separate the buds into smaller pieces. You can also try using a cheese or coffee grinder, a mortar, or shaking them up in an empty pill bottle.
How do you pack a raw cone pre-roll?
To successfully pack a RAW cone, you can follow the steps we’ve already mentioned. But you should be careful not to damage the filter and paper during the process.
Now that we’ve explained how to pack a cone, follow these simple steps to master the process in no time.
By learning how to fill a pre-roll and how to close a pre-roll cone, you’ll notice an overall improvement in your rolling technique. You’ll create a more enjoyable smoking experience without dealing with any unpredicted setbacks.